1. Select a document and your preferred document language.
2. Use the first and second tabs on the right and the +/- signs to navigate through the thesaurus.
3. Drag and drop any desired thesaurus entry onto any headline of your document.
4. Use the search function to find specific terms and phrases in all languages. Search results are displayed under the third and fourth tabs.
5. Translate your document into other DISCO languages by selecting another language.
6. Save your document in XML format or export directly to a Word 2007-compatible format.
Note: Phrases are currently limited to four domain-specific sectors and portions of non-domain-specific skills and competences.
2. Use the first and second tabs on the right and the +/- signs to navigate through the thesaurus.
3. Drag and drop any desired thesaurus entry onto any headline of your document.
4. Use the search function to find specific terms and phrases in all languages. Search results are displayed under the third and fourth tabs.
5. Translate your document into other DISCO languages by selecting another language.
6. Save your document in XML format or export directly to a Word 2007-compatible format.
Note: Phrases are currently limited to four domain-specific sectors and portions of non-domain-specific skills and competences.
For further details, please see the 'Help' section.
- non domain specific skills and competences
- artistic skills and competencesadd
- basic action verbsadd
- adjustadd
- adviseadd
- allocateadd
- analyseadd
- anticipateadd
- applyadd
- apply marketing techniquesadd
- approveadd
- assembleadd
- assemble (engineering)add
- assessadd
- assistadd
- auditadd
- blendadd
- breedadd
- budgetadd
- buildadd
- buyadd
- calculateadd
- calibrateadd
- canvass somethingadd
- careadd
- care for someone/somethingadd
- certifyadd
- checkadd
- cleanadd
- collaborateadd
- collectadd
- compareadd
- compileadd
- compile (computing)add
- concludeadd
- configureadd
- contactadd
- controladd
- coordinateadd
- counseladd
- createadd
- cultivateadd
- cutadd
- cut upadd
- deal withadd
- decideadd
- defineadd
- delegateadd
- deliveradd
- demonstrateadd
- describeadd
- designadd
- detectadd
- developadd
- diagnoseadd
- digadd
- directadd
- disconnect (engineering)add
- dismantleadd
- display for saleadd
- disseminateadd
- dissolve (chemistry)add
- drawadd
- draw something upadd
- draw up contractsadd
- drilladd
- eliminateadd
- evaluateadd
- examineadd
- exchangeadd
- expandadd
- experimentadd
- explainadd
- extractadd
- feedadd
- feed (engineering)add
- find a replacement foradd
- fix pricesadd
- followadd
- follow upadd
- forecastadd
- glueadd
- hammeradd
- identifyadd
- impartadd
- implementadd
- implement (computing)add
- implement (law)add
- improveadd
- informadd
- installadd
- interveneadd
- invoiceadd
- loadadd
- maintainadd
- manageadd
- marketadd
- master somethingadd
- measureadd
- mixadd
- modifyadd
- monitoradd
- negotiateadd
- nurse (medicine)add
- operate machinesadd
- operate (medicine)add
- optimiseadd
- orderadd
- organiseadd
- packadd
- paintadd
- participate inadd
- performadd
- pilotadd
- planadd
- planeadd
- polishadd
- prepareadd
- presentadd
- preventadd
- processadd
- process dataadd
- process (engineering)add
- produceadd
- programadd
- promote somethingadd
- put on displayadd
- raise awareness of staffadd
- receiveadd
- recruitadd
- rectifyadd
- renovateadd
- repairadd
- report onadd
- representadd
- resolve conflictsadd
- resolve problemsadd
- restoreadd
- sawadd
- screwadd
- selectadd
- selladd
- serveadd
- set out in writingadd
- solderadd
- solveadd
- storeadd
- structureadd
- studyadd
- superviseadd
- supplyadd
- supportadd
- synthesiseadd
- takeadd
- take an orderadd
- take delivery of goodsadd
- take delivery of the goodsadd
- take samplesadd
- take stockadd
- transportadd
- treatadd
- unloadadd
- updateadd
- useadd
- use hand cartsadd
- validateadd
- washadd
- welcome someoneadd
- weldadd
- work in a teamadd
- adjustadd
- computer skills and competencesadd
- ability to learn new software applicationsadd
- basic internet knowledgeadd
- database management systemsadd
- data protection and data security systemsadd
- e-mail skills and competencesadd
- knowledge of specific software applicationsadd
- managing filesadd
- middlewareadd
- network management softwareadd
- office software knowledgeadd
- software development toolsadd
- special operating systems and server softwareadd
- ability to learn new software applicationsadd
- driving licencesadd
- languagesadd
- Afrikaansadd
- Albanianadd
- Arabicadd
- Basqueadd
- Belorussianadd
- Bengaliadd
- Bosnianadd
- Bulgarianadd
- Cantoneseadd
- Catalanadd
- Chineseadd
- Croatianadd
- Czechadd
- Danishadd
- Dutchadd
- Englishadd
- Estonianadd
- Farsiadd
- Finnishadd
- Flemishadd
- Frenchadd
- Gaelicadd
- Germanadd
- Greekadd
- Hebrewadd
- Hindiadd
- Hungarianadd
- Icelandicadd
- Italianadd
- Japaneseadd
- Koreanadd
- Latvianadd
- Lithuanianadd
- Macedonianadd
- Malayadd
- Malteseadd
- Mandarinadd
- mother tongueadd
- Norwegianadd
- Polish add
- Portugueseadd
- Rätoromanceadd
- Romanianadd
- Russianadd
- Sardinianadd
- Serbianadd
- Slovakadd
- Slovenianadd
- Spanishadd
- Swedishadd
- Thaiadd
- Turkishadd
- Ukrainianadd
- Urduadd
- Vietnameseadd
- Afrikaansadd
- managerial and organisational skillsadd
- ability to coordinateadd
- ability to organize oneselfadd
- capable of multitaskingadd
- decision-making competenceadd
- entrepreneurial thinkingadd
- leadership skillsadd
- management of financial resourcesadd
- management of material resourcesadd
- management of personnel resourcesadd
- management of work activitiesadd
- management techniquesadd
- monitoring of organizational performance standardsadd
- operative planningadd
- risk-taking behavioradd
- self-sufficiencyadd
- setting standardsadd
- setting targetsadd
- strategic planningadd
- supervision skillsadd
- time management skillsadd
- ability to coordinateadd
- materials, tools, products and softwareadd
- antiquesadd
- chemist's shop goodsadd
- clocks, watches, jewellery, gold and silver articlesadd
- clothingadd
- CNC machinesadd
- computer systemsadd
- construction machinesadd
- construction materialsadd
- data storage, sound, photo and video devicesadd
- data storage, sound, photo- and video devicesadd
- decorative materialsadd
- do-it-yourself productsadd
- drugsadd
- electrical and electronic productsadd
- electrical goodsadd
- flooring materialsadd
- foodadd
- footwear and shoe care productsadd
- furnitureadd
- gardening suppliesadd
- gauges+G2add
- giftsadd
- glassadd
- glass and porcelainadd
- household goodsadd
- ironmongery, tools, machineryadd
- IT productsadd
- leather goodsadd
- lightingadd
- metalsadd
- motor vehicle parts and accessoriesadd
- musical instrumentsadd
- network components (IT)add
- paints and varnishesadd
- pets, pet food and pet accessoriesadd
- photographic, film and video equipmentadd
- printing machineryadd
- publishing productsadd
- sanitary equipment and bathroom accessoriesadd
- sports equipmentadd
- stationery and office suppliesadd
- stoneadd
- synthetic materialsadd
- teaching materialsadd
- tobaccoadd
- toiletriesadd
- toysadd
- two-wheeled vehiclesadd
- wallpapers and household textilesadd
- woodadd
- wood and wooden articlesadd
- antiquesadd
- personal skills and competencesadd
- social and communication skills and competencesadd
- basic competence in verbal expressionadd
- clear and distinct dictionadd
- client supportadd
- communication in Englishadd
- communication in foreign languagesadd
- competence in professional communicationadd
- competence in verbal expressionadd
- competence in written expressionadd
- effective questioningadd
- establishing contactsadd
- fostering contactsadd
- intercultural competenceadd
- interviewingadd
- listening comprehensionadd
- negotiation skilladd
- oral comprehensionadd
- participate actively in discussionsadd
- participate in meetingsadd
- presentation techniquesadd
- rhetorical skillsadd
- service orientationadd
- teaching abilityadd
- team-working skillsadd
- basic competence in verbal expressionadd
- artistic skills and competencesadd
- domain specific skills and competences
- agriculture, forestry and fisheryadd
- architecture and buildingadd
- architectural and landscape designadd
- building services engineeringadd
- building site preparationadd
- carcass and interior completionadd
- civil engineering project planningadd
- refurbishment and renovation of existing buildingsadd
- setting up building structuresadd
- specialisation in certain construction areasadd
- surveyingadd
- architectural and landscape designadd
- artsadd
- AV mediaadd
- bookbindingadd
- craftworkadd
- cultural and media managementadd
- design (arts)add
- fine artsadd
- general artistic knowledge and skillsadd
- musical instrument making and maintenanceadd
- music and performing artsadd
- photographyadd
- prepressadd
- printadd
- publishing and literatureadd
- restoration (works of art, historical objects)add
- stage design and event technologyadd
- AV mediaadd
- business and administrationadd
- banking and related financial servicesadd
- finance, accountancy and management accountingadd
- human resource managementadd
- insuranceadd
- managementadd
- management consulting, tax consultancy, auditingadd
- marketing, advertising, PRadd
- office and administrationadd
- public administration, civil serviceadd
- purchasing, procurement, logistics, inventory managementadd
- real estateadd
- sales and distributionadd
- social insuranceadd
- tradeadd
- banking and related financial servicesadd
- computingadd
- database knowledgeadd
- documentation (IT)add
- information securityadd
- Internet and multimediaadd
- IT administrationadd
- IT analysisadd
- IT consultancyadd
- IT installation and configurationadd
- IT licensesadd
- IT project managementadd
- IT supportadd
- IT trainingadd
- network technology (IT)add
- operating systemsadd
- Programmingadd
- software developmentadd
- special IT fieldsadd
- testing (IT)add
- database knowledgeadd
- educationadd
- electrical engineeringadd
- communications engineeringadd
- electrical circuit technologyadd
- electrical energy technologyadd
- electrical installation technologyadd
- electroacousticsadd
- electromagnetic compatibilityadd
- electronicsadd
- general knowledge of electrical engineeringadd
- measurement technologyadd
- mechatronicsadd
- open and closed loop control technologyadd
- special applications of electrical engineeringadd
- communications engineeringadd
- environmental protectionadd
- air pollution controladd
- air pollution control technologyadd
- climate protectionadd
- energy efficiencyadd
- energy saving technologyadd
- environmental analysisadd
- environmental informationadd
- environmental managementadd
- environmental protection in the enterpriseadd
- environmental regulationsadd
- environmental science and technologyadd
- landscape conservation and environmental remediationadd
- nature protectionadd
- noise protectionadd
- pollutant researchadd
- renewable energiesadd
- sewage engineeringadd
- soil protectionadd
- waste managementadd
- water protection and managementadd
- air pollution controladd
- healthadd
- diagnostic and medical imaging techniquesadd
- forms of therapyadd
- general knowledge of health and medicineadd
- health service managementadd
- health technologyadd
- medical documentationadd
- medical information systemsadd
- medical knowledgeadd
- medical laboratory servicesadd
- paramedical careadd
- pharmaceuticsadd
- public healthadd
- diagnostic and medical imaging techniquesadd
- humanitiesadd
- journalism and informationadd
- lawadd
- asylum and aliens lawadd
- civil lawadd
- commercial lawadd
- construction lawadd
- consumer lawadd
- copyright lawadd
- criminal lawadd
- deploying standard legal softwareadd
- employment and social law, public services lawadd
- enforcement lawadd
- environment lawadd
- European lawadd
- financial lawadd
- general legal knowledgeadd
- international lawadd
- jurisdictionadd
- law of contractsadd
- legal adviceadd
- legal exercise of officeadd
- liability and warranty lawadd
- media lawadd
- medical lawadd
- military lawadd
- procedural lawadd
- public lawadd
- tax lawadd
- transport lawadd
- asylum and aliens lawadd
- life sciencesadd
- manufacturing and processing materialsadd
- ceramic technologyadd
- extraction and manufacture of building materialsadd
- extraction of crude oiladd
- glass manufacture and processingadd
- manufacture of packaging materialsadd
- miningadd
- natural gas extractionadd
- plastics and rubber technologyadd
- production of paper, board and cardboardadd
- sports equipment manufactureadd
- stone working and processingadd
- wood working and processingadd
- ceramic technologyadd
- manufacturing and processing of foodadd
- bakers and confectioners tradeadd
- beverage productionadd
- butcher's shopadd
- cocoa processingadd
- coffee processingadd
- dairyadd
- fish processingadd
- fruit processingadd
- general food technologyadd
- milling industryadd
- production of coffeeadd
- production of dietary supplementsadd
- production of dietetic foodadd
- production of edible fatsadd
- production of edible oilsadd
- production of gourmet foodsadd
- production of herbs and spicesadd
- production of infants' and children's foodadd
- production of mayonnaiseadd
- sugar productionadd
- tea productionadd
- tobacco processingadd
- vegetable processingadd
- vinegar productionadd
- bakers and confectioners tradeadd
- manufacturing and processing of textiles, clothes, footwear, leatheradd
- doing upholsteryadd
- fashion designadd
- fur and hide processingadd
- knitted and crocheted goodsadd
- leather working and treatmentadd
- production of hats and capsadd
- production of nonwoven fabricsadd
- production of tufted goodsadd
- roperyadd
- saddlery and leather goods productionadd
- sail-makingadd
- shoe makingadd
- spinning milladd
- tailoring and clothing technologyadd
- tent and awning manufactureadd
- textile finishingadd
- weavingadd
- doing upholsteryadd
- mathematics and statisticsadd
- metal processing and mechanical engineeringadd
- personal servicesadd
- physical sciencesadd
- security servicesadd
- airport securityadd
- border protectionadd
- catastrophe protectionadd
- danger aversionadd
- detective agencyadd
- dog handlingadd
- firefighting and fire protectionadd
- life-guard serviceadd
- meeting protectionadd
- military serviceadd
- mountain rescue serviceadd
- object securityadd
- police serviceadd
- private personal securityadd
- risk analysisadd
- security driving trainingadd
- self-defenceadd
- site protectionadd
- surveillanceadd
- transport protectionadd
- use of firearmsadd
- airport securityadd
- social and behavioral scienceadd
- social servicesadd
- transport servicesadd
- veterinaryadd
- agriculture, forestry and fisheryadd