Partners: |
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3s Unternehmensberatung (AT) - Project CoordinatorContact: 3s Unternehmensberatung |
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Emmerce EEIG (Emmerce) (SE)Contact: Robin Karlsson One of the specialisations of EMMERCE EEIG is Internet and software-based professional training and lifelong learning (e-learning) from both a formal and informal perspective. We have strong knowledge and experience in technical and pedagogical development, methodology, and introduction and application aspects of professional and lifelong learning using Internet and software-based solutions. |
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fiala web development (FWD) (AT)Contact: Johannes Fiala FWD GmbH develops innovative solutions for customers in all lines of business, especially governmental institutions. We implement stable solutions that support our customers in the long-term. We are the developers of the BIS - Job information system ( of the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS). |
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Institut Européen d’Education et de Politique Sociale - European Institute of Education and Social Policy (EIESP) (FR)Contact: Alain Michel The EIESP is a non-profit organisation with 34 years of experience in the analysis of education and training policies in Europe. The institute was founded in 1975 by the European Cultural Foundation to contribute to the development of cooperation in education in Europe. The EIESP, which is self-funding on the basis of its contracts and activities, has an extensive network of consultants and offers internships to post-graduate students. It edits the European Journal of Education, published by Wiley-Blackwell. . The members, administrators and the network of associated experts of the institute and of the European Journal of Education are from different European countries, North America and the MEDA region. |
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Istituto per lo sviluppo della Formazione Professionale dei Lavoratori (ISFOL) (IT)Contact: Chiara Carlucci ISFOL is a public research institute supervised by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies. Since 1973, ISFOL has been playing an institutional role in the field of vocational training, employment, and social inclusion, both at the national and international level. The ISFOL mission is to promote employment, social inclusion, and local development by providing scientific consultancy and technical assistance to the State and Regional authorities, public, and private national institutions. In fulfilment of this mission, ISFOL carries out research, surveys, consultancy and technical assistance activities in two core areas: labour market and social policies and training policies and systems. As a member of the National Statistical System (SISTAN), ISFOL manages databases on legislation, documentation, and statistics, and is endowed with a specialised Documentation Centre for its core areas of expertise. |
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National Institute for Education, Education Counselling Centre and Centre for Continuing Education of Teachers (NÚV)(CZ)Contact: Michala Čičváková The primary missions of the National Institute for Education, Education Counselling Centre and Centre for Continuing Education of Teachers (NÚV) are to provide comprehensive assistance for the development of general and vocational education; to support its goals, content and continuity; to contribute to curriculum innovation and development; to provide professional support; and to develop a system of advisory centres. All of these goals are in line with European strategies for the development of lifelong learning and consultancy. As an institution supporting general and vocational education and consulting, the Institute is involved in various international activities, and fulfills tasks connected with European structures and networks of institutions for general and vocational education, as well as institutions providing educational and psychological consulting. |
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Oktatáskutató és Fejleszto Intézet - Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development (OFI) (HU)Contact: Gábor Tomasz The Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development is a budgetary institution maintained by the Ministry of National Resources. The institute provides general and strategic support services for the educational sector under the direction of the ministry. Research and development activities are carried out, and related services are provided in the fields of pre-school education, public (primary and secondary) education, higher education, vocational training, teacher career, special education, education of ethnic and national minorities, and school-based and non-formal adult education. The Institutes also hosts the National Educational Library and Museum. |
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SkillsNet Europe (SNE) (BE)Contact: Michael Brown SkillsNET’s core capabilities are rooted in corporate and personnel experience, industry-leading SkillObject® technology, and proven project and program management best practices. The SkillsNET approach also combines a strong quantitative orientation with the best theories and methods available in the behavioral and social sciences. The distinguishing characteristic of SkillsNET is its multidisciplinary problem-solving capability. From the full range of social science methods, SkillsNET selects those approaches that are most suited to the particular problems we are called on to address. By advancing the science of Human Capital Content Management, we construct best practices and service solutions for clients. SkillsNET’s core business is helping companies of all sizes to achieve their success, growth, and productivity goals. Much of this is accomplished through SkillsNET’s complete suite of on-demand, intuitive, web-native software tools that help companies respond at the speed of business. SkillsNET’s tools are designed to rapidly define work requirements, prepare and maintain relevant job descriptions, implement skill and competency frameworks, assess talent value, and align requirements to training and performance improvement strategies. |
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Štátny inštitút odborného vzdelávania (SIOV) (SK)Contact: Alexandra Junaskova The State Vocational Education Institute (ŠIOV) was founded in
1994. It is the only organization in the Slovak Republic that performs tasks in the field of
secondary vocational education. The Institute
provides services for nearly 600 vocational schools where about 70% of
students are taught and trained. ŠIOV cooperates with local governments, labour market agencies and other stakeholders to fulfill its tasks. It has established contacts with the employment sector to analyze its needs and demands in accordance with economic and social changes. It closely cooperates with several foreign education institutions regarding various projects. |
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Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) (ES)Contact: Laureano Jimenez The Rovira i Virgili University (URV) is the public University of Southern Catalonia (Spain). The URV has 12 centres where 1,500 teachers and researchers provide quality teaching to 11,000 undergraduates and 1,100 postgraduate and doctoral students who attend more than 100 courses in all areas of knowledge. More than 1,000 senior and junior researchers are involved in research activities at the URV. Funding from competitive R+D+I projects and collaboration with 250 universities in 40 countries ensure a high quality of scientific production in knowledge areas such as agricultural sciences and oenology, social sciences, clinical medicine, life sciences, physics and chemistry, engineering and computing, and arts and humanities. For more details, please visit |
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University of the West of England, Bristol (UWE) (GB)Contact: Ann-Marie Bathmaker The University of the West of England (UWE), in the city of Bristol, UK, has about 30,000 students and 3,000 staff. It is the largest provider of higher education in the southwest of England. UWE offers more than 600 programmes of study at undergraduate, postgraduate, professional and short course levels covering a wide range of disciplines. The University has close links with industry and the professions, as well as a lively research culture with 32 research centres, many of which are internationally renowned. BRILLE (the Bristol Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning and Education), one of the University’s research centres, conducts a wide range of research into issues related to lifelong learning. The Centre is directed by Professor Ann-Marie Bathmaker, Professor Jacky Brine and Professor David James. |
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VYTAUTO DIDŽIOJO UNIVERSITETAS - Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) (LT)Contact: Vilma Bijeikiené Vytautas Magnus University, established in 1922, closed by the Soviet regime and re-established in 1989, is one of the most liberal and modern universities in Lithuania. It pursues liberal studies policy,and seeks and establishes successful international relations with other universities all over the world. VMU is a classical university consisting of ten faculties: Humanities, Economics and Management, Informatics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Catholic Theology, Law, Arts, Political Science and Diplomacy and VMU Music Academy. The Centre of Foreign Languages at VMU provides instruction in 26 foreign languages to university students and members of the general public whose professional activities relate to a variety of fields and specialties. Thus, special attention is paid to developing skills and competencies essential for students' future employability, and academic and professional careers. Along with foreign language teaching, The Centre of Foreign Languages fulfills numerous other functions including the translation of academic and professional texts such as course descriptions, study programmes, self-assessment of study programmes, etc. It fosters cooperation with secondary and vocational schools in regard to language teaching, and organizing cultural and multilingual events. |
Associated Partners: |
Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich (AMS Austria) (AT) |
Bildung und Wissen Verlag (BW-Verlag) (DE) |
Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) (DE) |
Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (bm:ukk) (AT) |
European Universities Continuing Education Network (EUCEN) (ES) |
Institute for vocational training, continuing education and research founded by CGIL (CH) |
National Institute of Vocational Education (NIVE) (HU) |
Nemzeti Foglalkoztatási Szolgálat (HU) |
Swedish National Agency for Education (SKOLVERKET) (SE) |
![]() This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |