Reference Projects
The following projects use DISCO:
SAP Deutschland is using DISCO for its job and advanced training platform Academy Cube ( to describe skills and competences within its e-learning trainings, courses and curricula.
whatchado ( is using DISCO for tagging and selecting videos. In the future whatchado is planning to become a multilingual platform, therefore the DISCO thesaurus with its 11 language versions is the ideal support for such further development.
The Europass Wizard of Europass Hungary offers the DISCO Thesaurus in four language versions - Hungarian, French, German and English - to support users in their creation of Europass CVs.
OntoJob, a matching software developed by the Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH), RISC Institut der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, FAW Institut der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, and Institut für Psychologie der Karl Franzens Universität Graz, utilizes the DISCO I Thesaurus.
JobStairs ( is providing DISCO vocabulary for filling in applications within its online job market. DISCO terms can be used via CV parser in order to fill in skills and competences within the respective categories of the application.
Skillsbank, a project funded by the European Commission that offers an ECVET-related tool kit targeting career guidance and individual training support, employs DISCO II to guarantee usage of common and transferable skills terms across different documents.
The following projects use DISCO:
SAP Deutschland is using DISCO for its job and advanced training platform Academy Cube ( to describe skills and competences within its e-learning trainings, courses and curricula.

whatchado ( is using DISCO for tagging and selecting videos. In the future whatchado is planning to become a multilingual platform, therefore the DISCO thesaurus with its 11 language versions is the ideal support for such further development.

The Europass Wizard of Europass Hungary offers the DISCO Thesaurus in four language versions - Hungarian, French, German and English - to support users in their creation of Europass CVs.

OntoJob, a matching software developed by the Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH), RISC Institut der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, FAW Institut der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, and Institut für Psychologie der Karl Franzens Universität Graz, utilizes the DISCO I Thesaurus.

JobStairs ( is providing DISCO vocabulary for filling in applications within its online job market. DISCO terms can be used via CV parser in order to fill in skills and competences within the respective categories of the application.

Skillsbank, a project funded by the European Commission that offers an ECVET-related tool kit targeting career guidance and individual training support, employs DISCO II to guarantee usage of common and transferable skills terms across different documents.

More info on DISCO here