DISCO, the European Dictionary of Skills and Competences, is an online thesaurus that currently covers more than 104,000 skills and competence terms and approximately 36,000 example phrases. Available in eleven European languages, DISCO is one of the largest collections of its kind in the education and labour market.
The DISCO Thesaurus offers a multilingual and peer-reviewed terminology for the classification, description and translation of skills and competences. It is compatible with European tools such as Europass, ESCO, EQF, and ECVET, and supports the international comparability of skills and competences in applications such as personal CVs and e-portfolios, job advertisements and matching, and qualification and learning outcome descriptions.
What can you do with DISCO?
The DISCO online tool helps you to understand and accurately express individual skills and competences in several European languages by offering two basic functions:
DISCO, the European Dictionary of Skills and Competences, is an online thesaurus that currently covers more than 104,000 skills and competence terms and approximately 36,000 example phrases. Available in eleven European languages, DISCO is one of the largest collections of its kind in the education and labour market.
The DISCO Thesaurus offers a multilingual and peer-reviewed terminology for the classification, description and translation of skills and competences. It is compatible with European tools such as Europass, ESCO, EQF, and ECVET, and supports the international comparability of skills and competences in applications such as personal CVs and e-portfolios, job advertisements and matching, and qualification and learning outcome descriptions.
What can you do with DISCO?
The DISCO online tool helps you to understand and accurately express individual skills and competences in several European languages by offering two basic functions:
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project has been funded with support from the Austrian Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur.